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What percentage of Roblox players are from the United States?

Over 50% of Roblox players are from the United States. Roblox reaches over half of all US children under the age of 16. 64% of Roblox's daily active users are under the age of 16. Over 50% of Roblox's user base is under the age of 18. Over 80% of Roblox's daily active users are on mobile devices. Over 60% of kids in the United States play Roblox.

What percentage of Roblox players are under 16?

More than half of Roblox players are under the age of 16. Over 50% of Roblox players are female. Over 50% of Roblox players are from the United States. Roblox reaches over half of all US children under the age of 16. 64% of Roblox's daily active users are under the age of 16. Over 50% of Roblox's user base is under the age of 18.

How old are Roblox users?

Only 18 percent of Roblox audiences were aged 25 years and older. With more than four in ten Roblox gamers being 12 years old or younger, Roblox has managed to target a specific user demographic. In contrast, two thirds of adult U.S. gamers aged 18 to 34 did not play Roblox games, and this share of non-usage only increased with age.

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